New York (VNA) – Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs of Vietnam Nguyen Minh Hang has called on G77 countries to join hands toovercome current difficulties and challenges, propel post-pandemicsocio-economic recovery and sustainable development in the spirit of upholdingmultilateralism, solidarity and international cooperation.
Addressing the SpecialMinisterial Meeting of the Group of 77 and China held in New York on December15-16, Hang, who is also head of the Vietnamese delegation, highlighted thedriving role of trade and investment in promoting economic growth, sustainableand inclusive development, and fulfilling the UN Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs).
Accordingly, it is necessaryto accelerate World Trade Organisation (WTO) reform, speed up market opening,and mitigate unnecessary trade barriers, she said.
As science, technology andinnovation play a key role in sustainable, inclusive and people-centreddevelopment, she urged intensifying cooperation in science, technologicaltransfer and provision of preferential financing for development in tandem with renewingfinancial mobilisation methods through public-private partnership and building mixedfinancial models.
According to Hang, Vietnam,as a founding member of G77, has actively joined its activities, contributingto ensuring common interests of developing countries, promoting South-Southcooperation while guaranteeing Vietnam's development priorities and interestsin accordance with its policy of raising the level of multilateral diplomacy.
The event drew theparticipation of more than 300 delegates, including ministers, deputyministers, ambassadors-heads of delegations from 131 G77 member states andrepresentatives of the UN agencies.
They adopted a documenthighlighting a need to take immediate actions to achieve SDGs in the motto ofleaving no one behind.
On the sidelines of theevent, Hang greeted and talked with representatives of Cuba, Azerbaijan,Colombia and Pakistan. They spoke highly of Vietnam's socio-economic performancein 2022, and its role and contributions at multilateral mechanisms, especiallythe UN./.