Vietnam, US work to increase economic, trade ties

Deputy PM Ninh discussed how to enhance bilateral ties with US parliamentarians and businesses.
Deputy Prime Minister Vu Van Ninh met with a number of US parliamentarians and businesses on September 16 to discuss how to enhance bilateral economic and trade ties with a focus on the acceleration of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).

During meetings with Chairman of the US House of Representatives’ Committee for Finance Ron Wyden and Chairman of the Senate’s Budget Committee David Camp, Deputy PM Ninh said Vietnam would continue to actively coordinate with the US and other parties to step up the conclusion of TPP negotiations.

He suggested the US give Vietnam a degree of flexibility and technical assistance in the implementation of TPP commitments due to the differences between the two countries in terms of development.

Briefing his hosts on Vietnam’s external policy of independence, self-reliance, multilateralisation and diversification, Deputy PM Ninh stated that Vietnam continuously treasured the cooperation with the US as part of the bilateral strategic partnership established by President Truong Tan Sang and President Obama last July.

During the meetings, the two sides also discussed a number of other issues, including the US ’s recognition of Vietnam’s market economy regulations, and the implementation of a catfish supervision programme for tra and basa fish from Vietnam .

The Deputy PM also met with a number of US businesses and representatives from the US-ASEAN Business Council and the American Chamber of Commerce, and briefed them on Vietnam ’s economic policies and trends for investment and trade expansion.

He also gave an overview of bilateral cooperation on the economy, trade and investment between the two countries in recent years.

He asked US firms to support the prompt conclusion of TPP negotiations and encourage authorities to create favourable conditions for the process.

Many US giants, such as Google, General Motors and American Eagle, firmly believe US negotiators need to be more flexible in the negotiation on opening the market to Vietnamese exports, especially with regard to garments, textiles and footwear.

Deputy PM Ninh praised US businesses for pushing the TPP negotiation process forward, suggesting the two business communities work together closely to embrace bilateral trade links in the near future.

He confirmed the Vietnamese Government would continue to create an advantageous investment climate for US partners expecting to make long-term investments in Vietnam .

On the same day, Deputy PM Ninh met with Vietnamese scientists and researchers in the US and informed them of the practical outcomes of economic cooperation between the two countries in the last few years.

Participants talked about the opportunities and challenges of the TPP agreement for Vietnam once it is completed.

According to Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Tran Quoc Khanh, during his meeting with US officials, Deputy PM Ninh affirmed a number of points that are under negotiation go hand in hand with the economic restructuring process and growth model renovation in Vietnam.

He said Vietnam is willing to negotiate these issues with partners. However, the country appealed to the US and other parties involved to look out for Vietnam’s key interests and facilitate access to apparel and footwear markets.-VNA

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