The meetingwas co-chaired by Deputy Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son, head of theVietnamese delegation, and Under-Secretary for Relations with StatesAntoine Camilleri, head of the Vatican delegation.
The Vatican side thanked the Vietnamese authorities at all levels forhelping Vietnam’s Catholic Church accomplish its mission, whilstrecognising the progress made on Vietnam’s religious policy, asevidenced in the 2013 revised Constitution.
Itagreed that the Vatican’s Non-resident Special Envoy, ArchbishopLeopoldo Girelli, was helped by the Vietnamese State to undertakepastoral visits in Vietnam.
The Vatican sidedeclared the importance it placed on developing ties with Vietnam inparticular and Asia in general, as demonstrated by Pope Francis’ visitsto the continent in recent time.
The Vaticanexpressed its wish to establish diplomatic ties with Vietnam and,together with Vietnam’s Catholic Church, participate in the country’sdevelopmental process via its fields of strength, such as healthcare,education, and humanitarian and charitable affairs.
The Vietnamese side asserted that the Party and State of Vietnampersistently pursued and constantly refined its policies on respectingand safeguarding people’s rights to religion and faith freedom. TheParty and State appreciated the active participation of the VietnamCatholic Church in the nation-building and socio-economic developmentprocess.
Both sides reiterated the application ofthe principles of “living the gospel in the nation” and “a good Catholicmust be a good citizen”.
The Vatican side notedthat Pope Francis always closely followed the development ofVietnam-Vatican ties and encouraged the Catholic community in Vietnam tocontinue to do more for their country.
Both sides agreed theVietnam-Vatican relations have developed positively, referring to thenumerous contacts established at all levels, the organisation ofmeetings and joint working groups, and the activities of the papalrepresentative in Vietnam.
They agreed to continueto uphold dialogues and close contact, whilst working to facilitate theactivities of the non-resident Special Envoy in guiding the VietnamCatholic Church to efficiently realise Pope’s teachings.
The meeting took place in an atmosphere of sincerity, openness and mutual respect.
Both sides agreed to hold the sixth meeting of the Vietnam-Vaticanjoint working group in the Vatican, the date of which is to be arrangedvia diplomatic channels.
The Vatican delegation alsopaid courtesy visits to Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister PhamBinh Minh, and Deputy Minister of Home Affairs and head of theGovernment’s Committee for Religious Affairs Pham Dung.
The delegation visited several Catholic churches in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City.-VNA