Vietnam wants to boost ties with Australia

Vietnam and Australia should work harder to lift their bilateral ties to a new height.
Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung has suggested Vietnam and Australia work harder to lift their bilateral ties to a new height while meeting with Speaker of the Australian House of Representatives Anna Burke in Hanoi on May 22.

He said the two sides should effectively implement measures to promote cooperation in economics, investment and trade while creating conditions for their goods to penetrate into each other’s market, striving to raise two-way trade to a more impressive figure in the future.

In addition, the two countries also need to further strengthen cooperation in education and training, science and technology, culture, security and defence, he added.

The PM suggested the two sides increase mutual support at regional and international forums and Australia support the standpoints of Vietnam and ASEAN on peace, stability, maritime safety and security in the East Sea, as well as the peaceful settlement of disputes in the East Sea on the basis of international law.

Dung expressed his hope that Australia will continue providing official development assistance (ODA) for Vietnam and supporting the Vietnamese community in the country.

For his part, Burke said she is pleased to visit Vietnam at a time when the two countries are celebrating the 40 th anniversary of their diplomatic ties, affirming that Australia wants to further boost the multi-faceted cooperation with Vietnam, especially in economics, trade, investment, education, education, culture, security and defence.

She stressed that her country will do its utmost to contribute to ensuring peace and stability in the region and the world, saying that the implementation of peaceful measures in respect for legal basis is the best way to solve disputes in the East Sea .

She confirmed that the Australian House of Representatives always backs cooperation activities between the two countries in all fields.-VNA

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