Hanoi (VNA) - Photographer Vu Duy Thong won two gold medals at theInternational Exhibition of Art Photography Contrast 2020 in Bosnia andHerzegovina.
The Last Wharf and Maternal Love 2 topped the Life and Birds categories. Healso received the Master of Light (MoL) ribbon for his photo Happy Emotion inthe Portrait category.
Other Vietnamese photographers Duong Van Nhi, Dang Ke Cuong, Nguyen Thi HongLan, Ho Trung Lam and Nguyen Xuan Tuyen were also honoured at the contest.
Nhi won three awards including Salon Silver Medal for a photo entitled Nho vaLon (Small and Big) in the Monochrome and Colour category, an MoL ribbon for SuSong Hoang Da (Wildlife) in the Nature category and an award for Chua Chay (Fireman)in the Photojournalism category.
Minute of Rest by Dang Ke Cuong won an MoL Ribbon in the Life category.
Cuong picked up three awards in the Colour; Travel and Life categories forFuneral Day During the Flood, Hoi An Impression and Minute of Rest.
CONTRAST 2020 was organised by photo club Infinity from Doboj, Bosnia andHerzegovina, and attracted some 5,000 photos from 47 countries and territories.It had 12 categories for digital camera.
At the contest, Vietnamese photographers were honoured in 10 categories./.