The teleconference oncircular economy, economic diversification, and aid for trade took place aspart of the aid-for-trade work programme for 2020 - 2022 of the WTO Committeeon Trade and Development.
Speakers includedrepresentatives of some international organisations like the WTO, the UNIndustrial Development Organisation (UNIDO), the Organisation for EconomicCooperation and Development (OECD), the Asian Development Bank (ADB), and theRoyal Institute of International Affairs of the UK (Chatham House).
Presenting Vietnam’sviewpoint and experience, Ambassador Mai, Permanent Representative of the country to the United Nations, the WTO, and other international organisations inGeneva, said in its socio-economic development strategy for 2021 - 2030,Vietnam identified building a circular economy model as one of the orientationsand solutions for fast and sustainable development.
Some policies and mechanismspromoting factors of a circular economy have been included in the country’sguidelines, policies, and laws about environmental protection and the nationalaction plan to implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
In particular, they have beeninstitutionalised in the Law on Environmental Protection, the national greengrowth strategy, and the national action plan on sustainable production andconsumption, she went on.
She emphasised that since theDoi moi (Renewal) period began in 1986, Vietnam has continually paid attentionto the combination of economic development with environmental protection,sustainable use of natural resources and production materials, and realisationof the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
These policies have provedeffective, as seen in many enterprises succeeding in applying clean productionmodels, she said.
Mai also pointed out majorchallenges to Vietnam during the transition from the traditional economy to acircular one, adding that the country wishes to learn from developed countries’experience in how to operate a circular economy and develop sustainably.
Stepping up internationaleconomic integration via commitments under the WTO and recently inked tradeagreements will help Vietnam promote the building of a circular economy,achieve the SDGs, and bring about benefits to its people, the ambassador said./.