The Vietnamese diplomat highlyvalued the spirit and efforts of Rusvietpetro’s leaders, as well as Vietnameseworkers for their effective coordination with Russian partner sdespitedifficult and harsh working conditions.
He expressed satisfaction with the joint venture's efforts in ensuring thespiritual life and working environment for the staff, affirming that Rusvietpetrois an important impetus for the comprehensive strategic partnership between Vietnamand Russia.

Zarubezhneft and the Vietnam Oil and Gas Group(PetroVietnam) formed the Rusvietpetro joint venture in September 2008 withPetro Vietnam having a 49 percent stake. This is the most successful offshoreinvestment project of PetroVietnam in the field of oil and gas exploration andproduction.
As of August 31, 2021, the joint venture had exploited 30.48million tonnes of oil, and total profit transferred to Vietnam reached 1.263billion USD.
In 2021, Rusvietpetro targets to exploit over 3 million tonnes of crude oilwith an estimated revenue of over 1.3 billion USD and post-tax profit around410 million USD./.