Vietnamese, Chinese leaders cement ties

Vietnamese and Chinese leaders have agreed that the unceasing consolidation and enhancement of friendly neighbouring relations and comprehensive cooperation, particularly the further enhancement of political trust between the two countries’ senior leaders and people, are extremely important for the relations between the two Parties and countries, the development of each country and the cause of socialism.
Vietnamese and Chinese leaders have agreed that the unceasing consolidation and enhancement of friendly neighbouring relations and comprehensive cooperation, particularly the further enhancement of political trust between the two countries’ senior leaders and people, are extremely important for the relations between the two Parties and countries, the development of each country and the cause of socialism.

The assessment was shared by Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong and Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao and Chairman of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) Jia Qinglin, as they met in separate occasions in Beijing on Oct. 12.

At his meeting with Chinese Premier Wen, Party General Secretary Trong, who is on a five-day official visit to China, offered congratulations on China’s major achievements in various domains and the successful implementation of targets of the 11 th five-year scheme, helping China become the world’s second-largest economy.

Trong recognised rapid, strong and comprehensive developments in the relations of the two Parties and countries over the past 20 years.

The two countries have built the framework of the comprehensive strategic cooperation partnership on the foundation of the motto of “Friendly neighboursliness, comprehensive cooperation, long-lasting stability, looking toward the future” and the spirit of “Good neighbours, good friends, good comrades, good partners”, he said.

Vietnam-China cooperation has seen development in all fields, with outstanding progress in economics, trade, culture, education and training, science and technology, he said.

The Party leader said the relationship between the two Parties and States is an important factor for the stability and development of Vietnam and China .

The two sides spoke highly of the two countries’ signing of the five-year Vietnam-China economic-trade cooperation development scheme.

They expressed their belief that with the close guidance of the Vietnam-China Bilateral Cooperation Steering Committee and the active efforts of the two countries’ authorities and branches, the scheme will be effectively implemented, covering mutually beneficial cooperative fields, and fully tapping fields of both countries’ potentials and strengths such as experience in leadership, management, human resource training and infrastructure development.

They suggested both sides coordinate in speeding up the pace of implementing major projects, including the Vietnam-China Friendship Palace in Hanoi, the Long Giang and Hai Phong trade and economic zone, and infrastructure projects in the “Two corridor, one belt” area, and boost two-way trade value.

The two leaders shared the same view that in future the two sides will accelerate people-to-people exchange activities, particularly for children and young people, and boost cooperation between the two countries’ localities.

Both host and guest expressed their firm belief that through the visit, the Vietnam-China comprehensive strategic cooperation partnership will be further developed.

Party General Secretary Trong conveyed Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung’s invitation to Premier Wen to visit Vietnam at a convenient time and the latter accepted the invitation with pleasure.

Meeting with Chairman of the CPPCC Jia Qinglin, Party General Secretary Trong informed Jia of his successful talks with Chinese Party General Secretary and President Hu Jintao.

Trong said the two sides discussed and agreed on orientations and key measures to promote the constant, in-depth development of the Vietnam-China comprehensive strategic cooperation partnership in an effective and practical manner for the benefit of the two peoples, the development of each country and for peace, cooperation and development in the region and the world.

Host and guest highlighted that the close, effective and practical cooperation between the Vietnam Fatherland Front and the CPPCC has been constantly consolidated and developed.

The two leaders suggested the two countries’ mass organisations continue to bring into play their roles, promote the spirit of cooperation and friendship, and maintain regular high-ranking visits and friendship exchanges between the two peoples, particularly youth, to raise their mutual understanding and trust, thus satisfactorily settling existing issues in the two countries’ relations.

The Vietnamese Party chief invite the CPPCC Chairman to visit Vietnam and the latter accepted the invitation with pleasure./.

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