Prague (VNA) – The Vietnamese Embassy in the Czech Republic will add an annotation on the holders’ place of birth inside the new passports if Vietnamese citizens need, according to Ambassador Thai Xuan Dung.
The move came after the Czech Embassy in Hanoi sent an official note to theMinistry of Foreign Affairs’ Consular Department, rejecting to recogniseVietnam’s new-style passports which have navy-blue covers from July 1, 2022.
Dung said the embassy is actively coordinating with Vietnamese authorities inworking with the Czech side to address the issue.
According to an announcement released by the Embassy on August 2, itwill add an annotation on the place of birth on Page 4 of the new passports to facilitatethe Vietnamese holders to apply for visa extension or other publicadministrative services in Czech.
Holders of passports issued before August 2 can visit the embassy forannotations to be added, and receive them back the same day, Dung said.
By the end of July, the Vietnamese Embassy inthe Czech Republic had issued about 50 new-style passports to Vietnamese citizens,mainly for newborn children and those lost their passports, Dung said.
The Czech Republic is among the threeEuropean countries having denied the recognition of Vietnam’s new passports.The others are Germany and Spain.
Meanwhile, most ofcountries in the world still recognise the new version of the Vietnamesepassport.
To create favourableconditions for Vietnamese citizens to work, study, and travel abroad, the Ministryof Public Security and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are working withpartners of Germany, Spain, and the Czech Republic to deal with the technicalissues.
At the Government's regular press briefing on August 3, Spokesman of the Ministry of Public Security Lt. Gen. To An Xo announced that the ministry has decided to allow annotations on place of birth to be added to Page 4 of new passports./.