Pretoria (VNA) – The Vietnamese Embassy in SouthAfrica successfully completed its role as Chair of the ASEAN Pretoria Committee (APC) in 2020, contributing to promoting thepartnership between ASEAN and South Africa and Africa in general.
Addressing a ceremony in Pretoria on February 8 to take therole of APC Chair from Vietnamese Ambassador to South Africa Hoang Van Loi,Indonesian Ambassador Salman Al Farisi lauded the activeness of Vietnam as theAPC Chair in 2020.
He said that Ambassador Loi received the role from Thailandwhen South Africa was experiencing severe impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic on aspects of life as well as operations of foreignrepresentative offices.
Despite difficulties, the Vietnamese diplomat appliedoperation methods to adapt to the reality, he noted, adding that Ambassador Loiregularly contacted with APC members and the Department of InternationalRelations and Cooperation(DIRCO) to exchange information on the situation in South Africa and Africa andshare experience in COVID-19 prevention and control as well as promotecooperation among parties and optimise opportunities from the AfricanContinental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA).
The Vietnamese Embassy played the role as a bridge linkingthe DIRCO and the Vietnam’s Foreign Ministry in preparing for South Africa tojoin the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia (TAC).
Under the chair of Vietnam – the ASEAN Chair 2020, SouthAfrica, along with Colombia and Cuba, signed the agreement to join the TAC,opening opportunities on broader and deeper cooperation in politics, economy,socio-culture between ASEAN and the countries.
Ambassador Loi coordinated with other APC members toorganise the ASEAN Golf Day in late November 2020 to boost cultural and sportexchange between the APC and local authorised agencies, he noted.
Ambassador Salman Al Farisi hailed the achievements thatVietnam has made as the ASEAN Chair and a non-permanent member of the UN SecurityCouncil, contributing to strengthening the common voice of ASEANin the international arena, dealing with challenges of the region in a timelymanner, and helping to build a Southeast Asian region of peace, solidarity andprosperity.
Ambassador Loi said that in 2020 when South Africa performed the role as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council and the President ofthe African Union, Vietnam and South Africa coordinated closely at regional andinternational forums for the common interest of the international community,Africa and Asia.
The Vietnamese and Indonesian ambassadors agreed to continueexchanging information and experience to help Indonesia fulfil the APC Chairrole in 2021.
Earlier on January 27, ASEAN ambassadors in South Africa hadan online meeting to evaluate the performance of the committee in 2020 andsketch out plan for 2021./.