Vietnamese, Lao defence ministers sign 2017 cooperation deal

Defence Minister, Gen. Ngo Xuan Lich and his Lao counterpart, Sen. Lieut. Gen Chansamone Channhalat signed a cooperation agreement for 2017 during their talks in central Da Nang city on January 9.
Vietnamese, Lao defence ministers sign 2017 cooperation deal ảnh 1At the welcome ceremony (Source: VNA)
Da Nang (VNA) – Defence Minister, Gen. Ngo Xuan Lich and his Lao counterpart, Sen. Lieut. Gen Chansamone Channhalat signed a cooperation agreement for 2017 during their talks in the central city of Da Nang on January 9.

Hailing defence cooperation as one of the crucial pillars in bilateral ties, the two ministers pledged to heed practical efficiency of personnel training, facilitate all-level visits, and hold consultation on deputy ministerial-level defence policy, border defence exchanges and the first meeting in Vientiane for Lao military officers who once studied in Vietnam.

They agreed to increase the sharing of experience in Party and political activities, jointly hold celebrations for the 40th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation and the 55th anniversary of bilateral diplomatic ties, including completing the construction of the monument “Vietnam-Laos Fighting Alliance and Unity” in the Lao province of Xaisomboun.

Host and guest also reached a consensus on enhancing information sharing, fighting the smuggling of addictive substances and forestry products across the border, and removing hotbeds of security and order in border areas.

Both sides shared view that the two defence ministries’ units fulfilled goals set in the protocol and cooperation plan last year, including raising public awareness of the traditional friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation between the two Parties, States, armies and peoples as well as successfully organising a photo exhibition on the west Truong Son trail in Vientiane capital city and Savannakhet province.

Positive results were seen in military personnel training, liaison among border units and twinning models among localities, which have contributed to political security, social safety and order, and economic development in border areas.

In multilateral cooperation, the two countries worked closely together to maintain unity in ASEAN and improve their stature.

During their official visit to Vietnam from January 8-11, the Lao delegation paid a courtesy call to authorities of central Da Nang city and visited several local attractions.-VNA


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