Vietnamese People’s Army soldiers

During the past 74 years, under the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam, the Vietnamese People’s Army has successfully fulfilled all tasks and defeated all foreign invaders.
Vietnamese People’s Army soldiers ảnh 1Soldiers instruct J’rai ethnic minority people in the border district of Duc Co in Gia Lai province to extract latex from rubber trees (Photo: VNA)
Vietnamese People’s Army soldiers ảnh 2Officers under Regiment 24 – Dak To, Division 10, Corps 3 assist residents in road repairing in Long Tro village, Van Xuoi commune, Tu Mo Rong district, Kon Tum province (Photo: VNA)
Vietnamese People’s Army soldiers ảnh 3Officers at Border Station 645 instruct ethnic minority people in A Nong commune, Tay Giang district, Quang Nam province to cultivate and prevent pesticides in rice fields (Photo: VNA)
Vietnamese People’s Army soldiers ảnh 4Soldiers and officers of Artillery Brigade 241 (Corps 1) build roads to help local people develop new-style rural area model in Xanh hamlet, Quynh Luu commune, Nho Quan district, Ninh Binh province (Photo: VNA)
Vietnamese People’s Army soldiers ảnh 5Soldiers at Ia R’ Border Station carry out a patrol along the border belt between Vietnam’s Dak Lak province and Cambodia’s Mondulkiri province (Photo: VNA)
Vietnamese People’s Army soldiers ảnh 6Soldiers at Ia R’ Border Station carry out a patrol along the border belt between Vietnam’s Dak Lak province and Cambodia’s Mondulkiri province (Photo: VNA)
Vietnamese People’s Army soldiers ảnh 7Soldiers at Dao San Border Station hold dialogues to introduce the Party’s directions and guidelines as well as measures against social vices and diseases to people at Seng Sang A village, Dao San commune, Phong Tho district, Lai Chau province (Photo: VNA)
Vietnamese People’s Army soldiers ảnh 8People’s Navy with modern equipment (Cam Ranh, Khanh Hoa) (Photo: VNA)
Vietnamese People’s Army soldiers ảnh 9Vietnamese People’s Army was founded on December 22, 1944 (Photo: Archives of Vietnam News Agency)
Vietnamese People’s Army soldiers ảnh 10Artillery Brigade 434 conducts live ammunition drill (Photo: VNA)
Vietnamese People’s Army soldiers ảnh 11A battleship of the People’s Navy (Photo: VNA)
Vietnamese People’s Army soldiers ảnh 12Infantry and tank and armour forces practice (Photo: VNA)
Vietnamese People’s Army soldiers ảnh 13A combat aircraft owned by the Vietnamese People’s Army is in a drill (Photo: VNA)
Vietnamese People’s Army soldiers ảnh 14The victory military troops march into the capital city on liberation day on October 10, 1954 (Photo: VNA)
Vietnamese People’s Army soldiers ảnh 15Vietnamese People’s Army fly the national red flag above the De Casties’ redoubt on May 7, 1954 ending the long resistance war against the French (Photo: VNA)
Vietnamese People’s Army soldiers ảnh 16Liberation force tank entered the Independence Palace on April 30, 1975 (Photo: VNA)
Vietnamese People’s Army soldiers ảnh 17The Armed Propaganda Unit for National Liberation came into existence on December 22, 1944 in Cao Bang province which consisted of 34 soldiers under comrade Vo Nguyen Giap’s command (Photo: Archives of VNA)
Vietnamese People’s Army soldiers ảnh 18Soldiers at 575 Border Station teach Chut ethnic  people in Rao Tre village, Huong Lien commune, Huong Khe district, Ha Tinh province how to read and write (Photo: VNA)

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