The event, the first of its kind, wasjointly presided over by Sen. Lieut. Col. Tran Viet Nang, head of the MilitaryYouth Board under the General Department of Politics of the Vietnam People’sArmy (VPA), and Lieut. Col. Edwin L. Parcia of the office for education and trainingunder the Armed Forces of the Philippines.
Both sides agreed that theVietnam-Philippines defence ties have been strengthened over the time. Thevisit by officers of the Philippine armed forces and their participation inactivities with the VPA’s officers will contribute to the friendship of the twoarmies.
At the event, Nang briefed his guests onactivities of the VPA’s young officers.
Young officers of the two countries haveaffirmed the role of each army in the ASEAN Community in maintaining peace,stability, development and security in the region and the world./.