Vietnamese PM welcomed, has talks with Austrian Chancellor in Vienna

Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc was greeted with a welcome ceremony and had talks with Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz in Vienna on October 15.
Vietnamese PM welcomed, has talks with Austrian Chancellor in Vienna ảnh 1Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (R) welcomes Vietnamese PM Nguyen Xuan Phuc in Vienna on October 15 (Photo: VNA)
Vietnamese PM welcomed, has talks with Austrian Chancellor in Vienna ảnh 2PM Nguyen Xuan Phuc is paying an official visit to Austria from October 14 to 16 (Photo: VNA)
Vietnamese PM welcomed, has talks with Austrian Chancellor in Vienna ảnh 3The two leaders inspect the guard of honour at the welcome ceremony in Vienna on October 15 (Photo: VNA)
Vietnamese PM welcomed, has talks with Austrian Chancellor in Vienna ảnh 4Chancellor Sebastian Kurz greets Vietnamese officials at the welcome ceremony (Photo: VNA)
Vietnamese PM welcomed, has talks with Austrian Chancellor in Vienna ảnh 5PM Nguyen Xuan Phuc shakes hands with Austrian officials at the welcome ceremony (Photo: VNA)
Vietnamese PM welcomed, has talks with Austrian Chancellor in Vienna ảnh 6Vietnamese PM Nguyen Xuan Phuc (L) and Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz pose for a photo before their talks (Photo: VNA)
Vietnamese PM welcomed, has talks with Austrian Chancellor in Vienna ảnh 7PM Nguyen Xuan Phuc and Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz have a brief meeting before the talks (Photo: VNA)
Vietnamese PM welcomed, has talks with Austrian Chancellor in Vienna ảnh 8The talks between Vietnamese PM Nguyen Xuan Phuc and Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz in Vienna on October 15 (Photo: VNA)
Vietnamese PM welcomed, has talks with Austrian Chancellor in Vienna ảnh 9Also on October 15, PM Nguyen Xuan Phuc receives Chairman of the Executive Board at Austrian's Vamed group Ernst Wastler (Photo: VNA)
Vietnamese PM welcomed, has talks with Austrian Chancellor in Vienna ảnh 10PM Nguyen Xuan Phuc, Chairman of the Executive Board at Austrian's Vamed group Ernst Wastler, and officials pose for a photo at the meeting (Photo: VNA)
Vietnamese PM welcomed, has talks with Austrian Chancellor in Vienna ảnh 11The Government leader also meets with Chairman of Tan Viet International Tao Ngoc Tu (L), an expatriate entrepreneur, in Vienna on October 15 (Photo: VNA)
Vietnamese PM welcomed, has talks with Austrian Chancellor in Vienna ảnh 12PM Nguyen Xuan Phuc (fifth, left), Chairman of the Vietnamese People Association in the Czech Republic Nguyen Duy Nhien (fourth, left), Chairman of the Union of Vietnamese People Associations in Europe Hoang Dinh Thang (third, left), and other Vietnamese expatriates at a meeting in Vienne on October 15 (Photo: VNA)

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