Vietnamese students secure spot in global energy saving contest

Two Vietnamese students from the Foreign Trade University Ho Chi Minh City have triumphed over other contenders in the East Asian region to win a place in the global ‘Go Green in the City” contest in Paris, France this June.
Two Vietnamese students from the Foreign Trade University Ho Chi Minh City have triumphed over other contenders in the East Asian region to win a place in the global ‘Go Green in the City” contest in Paris, France this June.

Nguyen Thi Thuy Duong and Dang Mai Anh outperformed other teams from Cambodia, Indonesia, the Republic of Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan and Thailand at the semi-final contest held in the city on April 4, with their project titled “Energy Bank”.

The project focused on an initiative to manage electricity use in urban areas, which is considered as a hot issue in many countries across the world.

It introduced a banking concept applied to energy management to ensure the stability of energy demand and also to encourage the spirit of “the more you save, the better you earn”.

‘Go Green in the City” was launched by Schneider Electric multinational group in 2009. It started in Vietnam in 2013, challenging business and engineering students to present their own innovative and intelligent energy consumption solutions.-VNA

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