Hanoi(VNA) – Vietnam’s practical contribution to and active participation in the G20Foreign Ministers’ Meeting in Bonn city were highly valued by host Germany andother G20 members, according to Vu Quang Minh – Assistant to Vietnam’s ForeignMinister.
Talking to the press after the meeting, he saidVietnam was invited to almost meetings and activities of the G20 in 2017 sinceit is the APEC Chair this year.
At the G20 Foreign Ministers’ Meeting onFebruary 16-17, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minhreiterated his country’s foreign policy of multilateralising and diversifyingexternal relations and proactively and actively integrating into the world.
In the face of complex developments around theworld, the Deputy PM called on countries to enhance global cooperation inmaintaining peace, stability and sustainable development. He asked for thepeaceful settlement of disputes and disagreements, and the compliance withinternational law and legal – diplomatic processes.
He also asked the G20 members to increaseassisting developing nations to realise the Sustainable Development Goals,particularly in infrastructure building, human resources development,technology transfer, and climate change response, his assistant said.
In his speech, Deputy PM Minh stressed thatprotectionism and selfish isolation are not a solution to socio-economicissues. He called on countries to boost coordination to promote global andregional trade, exert efforts to build a balanced and rules-based multilateraltrading system, and ensure that all counties and people can benefit from tradeand economic growth.
The themes and priorities of the agenda of theG20 and APEC in 2017 share many similarities which are a foundation for the twoforums to connect and coordinate in spheres of common concern such as promotingsustainable, creative and inclusive growth; economic, trade and investmentconnectivity; innovation; and cooperation in climate change response.
As the APEC Chair in 2017, Vietnam is activelytaking part in and contributing to the G20’s meetings. It is combining APEC’spriorities with its activities in the G20’s events to step up regional andglobal coordination in settling global economic and governance issues amidstnumerous challenges facing the world.
In the fringe of the G20 Foreign Ministers’Meeting, Deputy PM and Foreign Minister Minh met with the foreign ministers ofGermany, the US, the UK, Brazil and Spain, who highly valued Vietnam’s role andstanding in the region and its active engagement in the G20 meetings as thehost of APEC activities in 2017.
They also discussed ways to foster Vietnam’sbilateral ties and coordination with the countries at regional and globalmultilateral forums, Assistant Minh added.-VNA