Viettel named among top brands

Viettel’s brand name was valued at 5.8 billion USD, becoming the only network provider in Southeast Asia listed in the top 30 most valuable telecoms trademarks in 2020 in the world.
Viettel named among top brands ảnh 1Viettel's brand was among the top 30 most valuable telecoms trade marks in 2020 in the world. — Photo courtesy of Viettel

Hanoi (VNA) -
Viettel’s brand name was valued at 5.8 billion USD, becoming the only network provider in Southeast Asia listed in the top 30 most valuable telecoms trademarks in 2020 in the world.

The ranking was announced at an annual report on the world's top 150 most valuable telecoms providers in 2020 (Telecoms 150) recently released by UK-based Brand Finance.

Accordingly, Viettel ranked 28th among the 150 providers, jumping nine places from last year. In Asia, it ranked 9th.

The report also showed that Viettel has the most rapid growth rate in the world with 34 percent, making Vietnam one of five Asian countries which have telecoms providers in the Top 3 most valuable brands. Three firms of Verizon and AT&T (the US) and China Mobile (China) top the list.

Viettel also has the best brand growth index in the world with 16.3 percent, surpassing Korean Telecoms (the Republic of Korea). The index is evaluated based on the following factors of brand reputation, employee satisfaction with the brand and the brand's investment in marketing activities. According to Brand Finance, this is an important factor to create brand value.

Viettel has made great efforts in implementing digital transformation since 2018, bringing changes to its businesses, thus achieving impressive growth. The group was also highly valued for its contribution to the digital transformation process in Vietnam, especially in the field of study and production of 5G equipment. This has been one of the main reasons putting Viettel on the list of the most valuable brands./.

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