Accordingly, Jospong will distribute VinFast'sentire range of vehicles, including electric cars, e-scooters, e-bikes, andelectric buses, throughout Ghana and West Africa. Jospong will also plan todeploy public charging infrastructure across the country to support EVpenetration.
This collaboration with one of West Africa's leading firms strengthensVinFast's commitment to delivering green and smart transportation solutions tocustomers worldwide, while also allowing the company to tap into the promisingpotential of the African electric vehicle market.
Meanwhile, the Jospong Group operates across 14different sectors with a network of over 60 companies. The group has a strongpresence in industries like automobile, waste management, ICT, and banking.
The two sides also signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) onthe establishment of a prioritised partnership. Under the MoU, they will worktogether to to identify and pursue business opportunities in areas ofmutual interest, such as electric vehicles, taxi operations, publictransportation solutions, education, hospitality, and real estate development.
Executive Chairman of the Jospong Group Joseph Agyepong said that his company hasbeen impressed by VinGrop’s contribution to the green revolution which istaking place across the globe, through the electric vehicle ecosystem andVinFast’s diverse offerings.
Describing Ghana and West Africa as a potential market for electric vehicles, TranViet Anh, a representative of VinFast Global said VinFast commits to building asustainable future for Ghana by providing a comprehensive electric transportationecosystem, from bicycles and cars to buses with flexible sales, ensuring everyonecan join the clean transportation revolution.
According to VinFast, electric vehicle marketin Ghana and West Africa boasts significant development potential due to ampleroom for growth and minimal competition. Fueled by government support forachieving net-zero emissions in transportation, demand is forecast to surgerapidly. Ghana envisions a future by 2040 where a significant portion of gasstations will be repurposed to serve sustainable transportation options, likeelectric vehicles./.