VinFast exports first batch of EVs to US

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh on November 25 attended a ceremony in the northern port city of Hai Phong to export the first batch of VinFast electronic vehicles to the US.

Accordingly, 999 electronic vehicles of VF8 model are expected to arrive in California in the next 20 days and be handed to the first consumers by the end of December.

This is the first batch shipped abroad among 65,000 orders of VF8 and VF9 models.

After the US market, the first Vietnamese electronic vehicle maker will export other batches to Canada and Europe to hand over to its customers in 2023.

US Ambassador to Vietnam Marc E. Knapper expressed his delight that VinFast has placed its confidence in the future of electric vehicles in the US market, as the manufacturer also has its factory built in the country.

PM Chinh said that over the past years, the Vietnamese Party and State have issued a lot of policies to encourage and support the development of the automobile industry.

VinFast’s initial achievement opens up a new electronic vehicle era in Vietnam, affirming the soundness of the leadership and directions of the Party and the Government./.