The three-day conference, the sixth of its kind to beheld annually in the UK, attracted 1,500 delegates from 80 countries andwill conclude on March 15.
At the conference, policy makers and managers discussed recent discoveries and solutions to emerging educational issues.
Aspart of the conference, a seminar themed ‘Vietnam - Land ofOpportunities’ was held by the British Council and its partners on March13, attended by Vietnam’s Deputy Minister of Education and TrainingTran Quang Quy.
During the seminar, Minister of Labour, WarInvalids and Social Affairs Pham Thi Hai Chuyen praised the BritishCouncil’s initiative in holding the seminar and its support for Vietnamin developing its human resources.
Chuyen highlighted theVietnamese Government’s efforts to prioritise this area and gainoverseas funding to help turn Vietnam into a country full ofopportunities.
She said she hopes to work closer with the BritishCouncil and other UK partners in vocational training, job generation,poverty reduction and social welfare.
More than 100 delegatesrepresenting UK educational and vocational training and, universitiesand colleges showed interest in Vietnam’s human resources and vocationaltraining priorities and cooperation possibilities.
During hervisit to the UK, Minister Chuyen met with officials from the UK’sDepartment for Education, the National Apprenticeship Service and otheragencies on vocational training. She later visited the City andIslington College.-VNA