The delegationof the Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and thedelegation of the Government of the People’s Republic of China agreethat the satisfactory settlement of sea-related issues between Vietnamand China is suitable for the basic interests and common aspirations ofthe two countries’ people and helpful for regional peace, stability,co-operation and development. The two sides agree, on the basis ofcommon perceptions of the Vietnamese and Chinese leaders reached onsea-related issues and “The 1993 Agreement on Basic Principles for theSettlement of Border Territory Issues between the Socialist Republic ofVietnam and the People’s Republic of China”, to solve sea-related issuespursuant to the following principles:
1. Taking the generalsituation of the two countries’ relationship as the key, originatingfrom a strategic and overall attitude under the guidance of the motto,“Friendly neighbourliness, comprehensive co-operation, long-termstability and looking towards the future” and the spirit of “Goodneighbours, good friends, good comrades and good partners”, andpersistently pursuing friendly talks and negotiations to properly settlesea-related issues, thus making the East Sea a territory of peace,friendship and co-operation and contributing to the development of theVietnam-China comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership, as wellas to regional peace and stability.
2. In the spirit of fullyrespecting legal evidence regarding other relevant factors such ashistory, and at the same time taking into account each other’sreasonable concerns with a constructive attitude and an attempt toexpand common perceptions, narrow differences and continuouslyaccelerate negotiations. Based on a legal regime and principles definedby international law, including the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of theSea, making efforts to seek basic and long-term solutions acceptable toboth sides for sea-related disputes.
3. In negotiations onsea-related issues, the two sides seriously abide by agreements andcommon perceptions reached by their high-ranking leaders and seriouslyimplement the principles and spirit of the “Declaration on the Conductof Parties in the East Sea ” (DOC).
For sea-relateddisputes between Vietnam and China, the two sides shall solvethem through friendly talks and negotiations. Disputes relating to othercountries shall be settled through negotiations with other concernedparties.
4. In the process of seeking basic and long-termsolutions for sea-related issues, in the spirit of mutual respect, equaland mutually beneficial treatment, the two sides actively discusstransitional and temporary measures that do not affect the stances andpolicies of the two sides, including studies and discussions oncooperation for mutual development based on principles described inArticle 2 of this Agreement.
5. Addressing sea-related issues insuccession and progress with easy issues first and difficult issueslater. Firmly speeding up the demarcation of territorial waters off theTonkin Gulf and actively discussing co-operation for mutualdevelopment on these waters. Actively boosting co-operation in lesssensitive fields, such as sea-related environment protection,sea-related science research, search and rescue at sea, and preventionand minimisation of damage caused by natural disasters. Attempting toenhance mutual trust to facilitate the settlement of more difficultissues.
6. The two sides in turn conduct periodical meetingsbetween heads of government-level border negotiation delegations twice ayear and extraordinary meetings if necessary. The two sides agree toset up a hotline mechanism between the government-level delegations toexchange and properly deal with sea-related issues in a timely manner.-VNA