VN, Cuba will always support each other

Nothing can hinder Vietnam and Cuba from strengthening and developing their friendship and cooperation when the two countries share the common ideal of pursuing a socialist path.
Nothing can hinder Vietnam and Cuba from strengthening and developing their friendship and cooperation when the two countries share the common ideal of pursuing a socialist path.

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong stated this during an interview with the Granma newspaper, the official organ of the Communist Party of Cuba, before he concluded his official visit to Cuba .

He said that the Vietnamese-Cuban friendship, solidarity and close cooperation have existed for a long time and that Vietnam and Cuba will continue to support each other at international forums for their mutual benefit, as well as to protect the revolutionary cause in both countries.

When talking about Vietnam ’s renewal process, the Party leader said it has been full of hardships and challenges, however the Vietnamese Party, State and people had overcome them.

“What we have gained over the past 26 years has proved that we made the right decisions and policies at the time,” he stressed.

According to the Party leader, Vietnam still sees many challenges lying ahead on the road to building a socialist state, especially in economics and international integration.

Therefore, the Communist Party of Vietnam must always review and adjust itself and possess the determination to fight all kinds of opportunism, individualism and uphold morality in the Party, he noted.

He said that after his meetings with Cuba ’s leaders, he found that the island is climbing onto a stage similar to Vietnam ’s previous experiences, especially how to change the way people think at all levels.

He said he hoped that Cuba ’s new updated economic model will be a success.

Party leader Trong held a two-hour meeting with Cuban leader Fidel Castro. He said their talks took place in a friendly atmosphere, like brothers living under the same roof.

The legendary leader of the Cuban revolution praised the speech General Secretary Trong delivered at the Nico Lopez High-Level Party School.

Fidel said that Cuba ’s current economic model has many similarities with the policies that Vietnam has been implementing.-VNA

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