This is part of activities in response to the Vietnam- Lao FriendshipYear 2012. Accordingly, VIETKINGS will send experts to Laos , inco-ordination with LAOKINGS, to draft working programmes, plans andregulations for the centre.
The two sides willstrive to publish a yearbook of Lao records in Vietnamese and Laotian,and a book entitled “ Laos , the nation and people” in English in2012, in order to promote tourism and investment to the country.
Sivienkhek Konnyvong, Director of Department of Publishing and Libraryunder Lao Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism, said bookpublishing and distribution activities in Laos are in the dawn ofdevelopment with only one state-owned and 15 private publishers.
He hoped that the founding of LAOKINGS will be a large step forward indiversifying book products and markets, better meeting the need ofexploring and studying Lao culture of readers inside and outside thecountry./.