VNA betters pictorial magazine for ethnic groups

How to better the content of Dan Toc va Mien Nui (Nationalities and Mountain Area) pictorial magazine, a multilingual publication of the Vietnam News Agency (VNA) was in the spotlight at a conference in the southern city of Can Tho on August 16.
How to better the content of Dan Toc va Mien Nui (Nationalities and Mountain Area) pictorial magazine, a multilingual publication of the Vietnam News Agency (VNA) was in the spotlight at a conference in the southern city of Can Tho on August 16.

Addressing the event, VNA Deputy Director General Le Duy Truyen said the magazine, a one-of-a-kind, is designed specifically for ethnic minority groups in over 40 northern, Central Highlands and southwestern provinces.

The staff of the magazine are working to launch an e-version and expand publications to cover all State-recognised ethnic languages, he said.

He also urged that besides directing public opinion, the editorial staff must work harder to preserve the ethnic languagues, thus helping keep the traces of ethnic culture alive.

Deputy Head of the Southwestern Region Steering Committee Duong Quoc Xuan hailed VNA for issuing the first bilingual publication targeting Khmer and ethnic groups nationwide.

He suggested creating more columns with feature stories about the southwestern region while grasping the demand of all people, especially those living in remote and mountainous areas.

Earlier, the VNA delegation worked with the Southwestern Region Steering Committee to review its three-year media coordination with the Southwestern, Central Highlands and Northwestern Region Steering Commitees.

Nguyen Phong Quang, Standing Deputy Head of the Southwestern Region Steering Committee pledged to provide VNA with better sources of information.

In compliance with the Prime Minister’s direction, VNA officially launched the magazine in six languages in 2012, including Khmer, Bahmar, Jrai, Ede, Cham and Vietnamese.

With rich news looking at the socio-political situation and poverty reduction across the country, the publication has reached out to villages, communes, Khmer pagodas and border stations in the southwestern region.-VNA

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