A VNAdelegation visited and handed over the gifts to 16 victim families,including a mother with three children all suffering from AOaftereffects. The gifts were bought with funding raised by the agency’sFund For Agent Orange Pain.
Over its 7 yearsof operation, VNA’s Fund For Agent Orange Pain has collected billions ofdongs and many donations in kind to deliver to victims of AgentOrange/dioxin.
Quang Tri province has 15,845 AO victims, the fourth largest number among all provinces and cities nationwide.
Also on the occasion of the Day for AO Victims, officials andassociations of AO victims in many cities and provinces across thecountry paid visit and presented gifts to local AO victims.
The association of AO victims in the northern province of NamDinh, in conjunction with Proconco Animal Feed Mill, also organisedtraining courses in animal husbandry for nearly 1,000 families. Theprovince has more than 13,000 AO victims.-VNA