VNA, Xinhua strengthen cooperation

Deputy General Director of the Vietnam News Agency (VNA) Nguyen Hoai Duong and Deputy Editor-in-chief of China’s Xinhua News Agency Peng Shujie held talks in Hanoi on June 29 to discuss measures to strengthen cooperation between the two sides.
Deputy General Director of the Vietnam News Agency (VNA) Nguyen Hoai Duong and Deputy Editor-in-chief of China’s Xinhua News Agency Peng Shujie held talks in Hanoi on June 29 to discuss measures to strengthen cooperation between the two sides.

They focused their discussions on activities to promoting the two news agencies’ future connection, including experience sharing in development model, exchange of high-level delegations and collaboration of between the two sides’ reporters and correspondents.

They proposed signing a new comprehensive cooperation agreement between the two State news agencies in 2016.

After the talks, Deputy Editor-in-chief Peng and his entourage visited a number of units and editorial boards of the VNA.

Also the same day, Deputy Head of the Party Central Committee’s Commission for Popularisation and Education Mai Van Ninh received Deputy Editor-in-chief Peng and his entourage.

The host spoke highly of cooperation between the VNA and Xinhua in providing information on each country’s development and international issues, saying it contributed to realising agreements reached between the two Parties and States.

Ninh suggested Xinhua promote experience sharing between the two news agencies, thus improving their competitiveness and making their operations more effective.
He stressed that the two news agencies need to provide exact and objective information of the situation of each country, contributing to enhancing mutual understanding between the people and bilateral relations of the two countries.

For his part, Peng briefed his host of the talks’ outcomes and expressed his delight at the development in recent years.

He said his agency wants to share experience and exchange information with its Vietnamese partner in managing social networks and communication development.-VNA

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