VNA-Yonhap press photo exhibition marks 30 years of Vietnam-RoK ties

A press photo exhibition, co-organised by the Republic of Korea (RoK)’s Yonhap News Agency and the Vietnam News Agency (VNA) on the occasion of the 30th founding anniversary of diplomatic ties between the two countries (1992-2022), opened at the National Museum of Korean Contemporary History in Seoul on March 31.
VNA-Yonhap press photo exhibition marks 30 years of Vietnam-RoK ties ảnh 1At the event (Photo: VNA)
Seoul (VNA) – A press photo exhibition, co-organised by the Republic of Korea (RoK)’s Yonhap News Agency and the Vietnam News Agency (VNA) on the occasion of the 30th founding anniversary of diplomatic ties between the two countries (1992-2022), opened at the National Museum of Korean Contemporary History in Seoul on March 31.

The event is co-sponsored by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the RoK, and the Vietnamese Embassy in Seoul.

In his opening speech, CEO and President of the Yonhap News Agency Seong Ghi-hong said since the establishment of the diplomatic relations, the Vietnam-RoK ties have been deepened and developed comprehensively in different fields, from politics, economy, culture and social affairs.

He hoped that the photo exhibition will contribute to the development of the bilateral relationship, as well as promote people-to-people exchanges between the two countries.

VNA General Director Vu Viet Trang, who could not attend the opening ceremony due to complicated developments of the COVID-19 pandemic, sent a congratulatory message to the event.

VNA-Yonhap press photo exhibition marks 30 years of Vietnam-RoK ties ảnh 2VNA General Director Vu Viet Trang delivers her congratulatory message via a video clip. (Photo: VNA)
She thanked Yonhap for its close collaboration with VNA to bring to the public impressive images of cooperation and exchanges between the two countries over the past three decades. The photos showed that the bilateral friendship and cooperative relationship was built on a solid foundation, based on many cultural and historical similarities, complementary economic structures, and joint efforts toward a better future.

The RoK's Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Hwang Hee said the exhibition is a typical example of the bilateral collaboration in the field of communications.

He also expressed his hope that the RoK-Vietnam ties will continue to be promoted further in many diverse and effective forms.

In his remarks, Vietnamese Ambassador to the RoK Nguyen Vu Tung stressed that over the time, both countries have benefited from an growingly strong strategic partnership that is based on friendship, mutual trust and respect.

The exhibition features 86 photos by journalists of Yonhap and VNA, graphic materials showing the 30-year history of the diplomatic ties and videos containing information on the two countries.

Admission is free, and the museum is open to the public from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. every day. The display is also be available online for those who cannot visit the museum amid the COVID-19 pandemic. The metaverse, broadly defined as a three-dimensional virtual space where people can interact, is used to reproduce the exhibition venue. Visitors can connect to the platform separately created for the event by clicking on banners posted on the homepages of Yonhap News and the museum.    

The exhibition will also be held in the Vietnamese capital city of Hanoi in December./. 

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