VN's great achievements in human rights

VN gains great achievements in human rights

VN, with its achievements in human rights, wants to make more contributions to international efforts in this area.
Vietnam, with its achievements in human rights, wants to make more contributions to international efforts in this area.

In Vietnam, people are the centre of socio-economic policies; people are both the objective and the driving force of national construction. The State of Vietnam always considers the promotion and protection of human rights as an important element for sustainable development.

In recent years, the country has gained great achievements in securing human rights in civil, political, economic, cultural and social affairs, which have been recognised by the international community.

Based on these achievements and the Party and State’s consistent policy of respecting and ensuring human rights and with the desire to make contribution to international cooperation in this area, Vietnam decided to stand for the United Nations Human Rights Council for the 2014-2016 term.

In this spirit, Vietnam has been building its legal system to ensure that human rights are respected and implemented in the fullest manner. In Vietnam, the 1946 Constitution of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam recognised human rights and civil rights. Then, the Constitution revised in 1959, 1980 and 1992 continued to confirm and expand these rights.

The fact is that human rights in Vietnam have been increasingly ensured effectively and fully, especially after more than 25 years of the renewal (Doi Moi) process. Only the past five years, Vietnam maintained its average economic growth of 7 percent, provided jobs to more than 8 million new workers, reduced the poverty rate to 9.5 percent, provided increasingly improved health services for people and recorded an unceasingly growing human development index. As a result, Vietnam fulfilled some Millennium Development Goals ahead of deadline and is likely to meet the remaining targets.

The achievements can be attributed to the people’s active involvement. People’s rights to mastery have been increasingly ensured through more effective implementation of democratic rights, including direct ways such as the rights to voting and to standing for election, and indirect ways such as through elected bodies like the National Assembly, people’s councils at all levels, as well as the right to giving comments and supervision, and through better operation of the mechanism of complaints and denunciations.

The Vietnamese people’s rights to freedom of speech, freedom of press and information continue to be shown in the rapid development of diverse forms and rich content of mass media. The country has over 700 newspapers, 70 radio and television stations at all levels, more than 80 electronic newspapers and thousands of information websites.

The press has become a forum for expression of social organisations and people, served an important tool in protecting social interests, the people’s right of freedom and in inspecting and supervising the implementation of State policies and laws, particularly on human rights.

The Vietnamese people have had increasing access to the Internet with the access rate being higher than Asia ’s average, and is rated as one of leading countries in the field by UN specialist agencies.

In Vietnam, beliefs and religious life are increasingly diverse and vibrant with the development of all major religions coming from the world along with local religions and beliefs. Religious activities, especially annual celebrations of many religions, are held solemnly.

Vietnam is a member of eight international conventions on human rights, including the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural rights, the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Vietnam is also a member of 17 conventions of the International Labour Organisation.

At the global level, Vietnam has been active in joint efforts of the international community involving human rights at UN agencies and forums. Vietnam was an active member at the Human Rights Committee for the 2001-2003 tenure, the Commission for Social Development for the 2002-2004 tenure, the Socio-Economic Council for the 2000-2002 tenure and the UN Security Council for the 2008-2009 term.

At the Human Rights Council, Vietnam highly appreciated the Universal Periodic Review mechanism, considering it as contribution to sharing information and experience and helping enhance mutual understanding between countries, thereby ensuring better protection of human rights.

At the regional level, Vietnam has actively and proactively made practical contribution to the goal of strengthening solidarity and strong development of ASEAN, including cooperation on human rights.

Bilaterally, Vietnam pursues the policy of promoting cooperation and dialogue to share information and experience and enhance mutual understanding, along with support to enhance capacity for better implementation of securing human rights in Vietnam and relevant countries.

The Vietnamese Government held that ensuring and promoting human rights is firstly the responsibility and competence of each country. Due to differences in historical circumstances, political regimes, developmental levels, traditional cultural values, the approach to human rights in each country may vary. Vietnam supports enhancement of international cooperation in human rights based on constructive dialogue of equality, respect and mutual understanding, non-interference in internal affairs of each other for the common goal of promoting and better securing human rights. In that spirit, Vietnam holds annual dialogues on human rights with the European Union, the United States, Norway, Australia and Switzerland.

The Vietnamese Government thinks that in an interdependent world, human rights can be only respected and protected in an environment of peace, security, equality and sustainable development. For many years, social stability has remained the source and the basis of Vietnam 's every victory. This is a special achievement that cannot be measured, but is shown in all fields of the country.

In his speech at the high level meeting of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva on Feb. 29, Deputy Foreign Minister Le Luong Minh affirmed that Vietnam has attached importance to the role and contributions of the Council to promoting the implementation of human rights on the world.

As an ASEAN candidate to the UN Human Rights Council for the 2014-2016 tenure and a member of all major human rights conventions, Vietnam will actively cooperate with the international community to build a world of peace, prosperity and equality for all people.

Based on its experience, along with commitment and strong resolve, Vietnam strongly believes in its ability in taking over the role as member of the UN Human Rights Council, actively contributing to the Council’s work to improve efficiency, transparency, objectivity and balance in the spirit of dialogue, cooperation, equality and mutual respect.-VNA

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