Vung Tau city,about 120km away from Ho Chi Minh City and 95km from Dong Nai province’sBien Hoa city, covers a total area of 15,000 ha, accounting for 7.31percent of the natural land of Ba Ria-Vung Tau, and has a population of400,777.
During the past three years, Vung Tau’s economyhas grown over 17 percent annually. The GDP share of construction andindustry reached 86.54 percent while service-tourism and agriculturemade up 11.5 percent and 0.52 percent, respectively.
Per-capita income stood at 6,000 USD per year, ranking first amongprovinces and cities across Vietnam and about 5.2 times higher thanthe national average. The city strives to raise the figure to at least10,600 USD per year by 2015.
A part from being a nationaloil and gas hub, Vung Tau is also home to beautiful landscapes, beachesand unique historical vestiges. Last year, the city welcomed more than 4million turns of visitors, earning 4-5 trillion VND (190-238 millionUSD).-VNA