Villagers in Chieng Xom hamlet, Chieng Cang commune of Song Ma district, discoveredthe bomb while they were digging the foundation to build a house on October 11,and quickly alerted authorities.
The sapper force said the 1.26m long bomb, weighing about 340kg,dated back to the US war.
Decades after the end of war, Vietnam stillsuffers from the deadly threat from millions of tonnes of bombs, mines and UXOleft by war, which have killed more than 40,000 and caused disabilities to over60,000 others. At present, over 17 percent of the country's total natural landarea is still polluted with bombs, mines and UXO.
In more than 10 years from 2010 to 2020, nearly500,000 hectares of areas were cleared from bombs and mines under the NationalMine Action Programme in the 2010-2020 period and mission orientation for2021-2025 (Programme 504)./.