Hanoi (VNS/VNA) - Vietnamese water puppetry will represent the nationalperforming arts at the International Theatre Festival of Kerala (ITFoK), whichwill be held from January 20 to 26 in India.
An 11-member troupe fromthe Thang Long Puppetry Theatre will perform traditional acts at the festival,according to the theatre’s Vice Director Chu Luong.
“Water puppetry is one ofthe attractive performing arts of Vietnam that foreign visitors always want to discover,” he said ata press conference held on January 16.
“There is no languagebarrier between audiences and water puppetry,” he said. “People find it easy tounderstand Vietnamese culture through the acts.”
“With music and movementsof the puppets, we will reflect the cultural activities and daily life of thelocal people such as the dragon dance, catching fish, farming and fairiesdance.”
"We will bring all theprops and equipment to set up a water puppetry theatre at the festival,"he said.
In addition to performing,Vietnamese artists will join exhibitions and seminars to introduce the art formto international audiences and experts.
[Video: Water puppetry - Vietnam's unique art form]
Le QuyDuong, amember of the Executive Council of the International Theatre Institute, said hewas happy to connect the festival organisers with the Thang Long Puppetry Theatre.
“This is the first timeVietnamese water puppetry has been presented at this festival,” said Duong. “The organisers told methey are eager to see the unique art of Vietnam performed. This year thefestival brings about 15 troupes from different countries and territories.”
Duong said the festivalprovides an opportunity to promote the quintessence of Vietnamese culture andtraditional art.
“ITFoK aims to provide atruly interactive space between the artists and audiences,” Dương said.“Vietnamese artists will introduce the process of arranging the stage andmaking puppets to provide a deeper insight and understanding of their theatre.”
Founded in 1969, the Thang Long Puppetry Theatrenow is a must-see place for tourists in Hà Nội. It was certificated by the AsiaBook of Records as the longest-running theatre of traditional water puppet artby doing four to six shows every day since 1994.
The first edition of ITFoKwas held in 2008. Festival director Arundati Nag said it was great to discoverthat world theatre is alive and well across the continents.
“Every nation has its ownspecific theatrical performing traditions, which incorporate a continuous chainof cultural history, connecting our past to the present, celebrations of life’sjoys, sorrows, oppressions, victories, defeats and challenges,” she said.-VNS/VNA