Welcoming visiting WB Regional Vice President for East Asiaand the Pacific Victoria Kwakwa on June 28, PM Chinh appreciated the bank’seffective macro policy consultancy that conforms with the country’s development orientationsand goals in different periods.
He thanked the WB for supporting Vietnam to delay quickrepayment of IDA loans to have more resources for fighting COVID-19 and sustainingeconomic growth, and spoke highly of the bank’s initiative to back countries,including Vietnam, in the fight against the pandemic.
Kwakwa agreed to help Vietnam have equal access andnegotiate contracts with COVID-19 vaccine producers in the world quickly andeconomically; give priority to providing financial sources for vaccine purchaseand domestic vaccine production technology transfer; and promote the implementationof contracts signed with partners such as Pfizer and AstraZeneca to delivervaccines to Vietnam as soon as possible.
The two sides discussed and reached consensus on theimplementation of cooperation programmes and projects in the coming time tohandle challenges, promote green growth, innovation, digital transformation andinclusive growth.

PM Chinh mentioned some development orientations and proposedthe WB to support and provide consultancy to perfect and promote the green growthstrategy. He affirmed that Vietnam definitely does not exchange social progress and equality for economic growth alone.
Kwakwa said she was impressed by the achievements gained byVietnam in carrying out the dual targets of pandemic prevention and control, andeconomic development.
She thanked the Vietnamese Government for working closelywith the WB in implementing cooperation programmes over the past years andemphasized that it will continue to accompany the government.
The official also expressed her trust in PM Chinh’s views on thegreen growth strategy, pledging to give priority to supporting Vietnam in thisfield with specific cooperation projects and programmes, providing policyconsultancy and helping the country develop the 2045 Report to achieve itsset strategies and plans towards the goal of building Vietnam into a developedand high-income country by 2045./.