White House highlights enhancement of US-Vietnam Comprehensive Partnership

The White House on August 25 issued a statement highlighting the enhancement of the US-Vietnam Comprehensive Partnership, affirming that US Vice President Kamala Harris’s visit to Vietnam signifies the US’s deep commitment not only to the region, but also to the US-Vietnam relationship.
White House highlights enhancement of US-Vietnam Comprehensive Partnership ảnh 1Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh (R) and US Vice President Kamala Harris (Photo: VNA)

Washington D.C., (VNA) – The White House on August 25 issued a statement highlighting the enhancement of the US-Vietnam Comprehensive Partnership, affirming that US Vice President Kamala Harris’s visit to Vietnam signifies the US’s deep commitment not only to the region, but also to the US-Vietnam relationship.

Over the past several decades, the bilateral relationship has made significant strides, to the point where the two nations now cooperate on a wide range of issues, including fighting COVID-19 and preparing for future health security threats, combating climate change, and addressing shared legacies of war. The US has deepened economic ties as Vietnam’s second largest trading partner and its top export market worldwide, the statement said.

“Our security relationship has dramatically expanded as we support Vietnam’s independence and sovereignty, particularly in the maritime domain. The US and Vietnam have also advanced capacities to prevent, detect, and respond to infectious disease threats through our partnership on the Global Health Security Agenda. The already-robust and growing partnership between our peoples has resulted in nearly 30,000 Vietnamese studying in the US, contributing nearly 1 billion USD to the US economy,” the White House said.

According to the statement, Harris reaffirmed the US’s commitment to a strong, prosperous, and independent Vietnam, as well a free, open, healthy, and resilient Indo-Pacific region. 

About the COVID-19 pandemic and health security, the Vice President reinforced the US’s commitment to leading the world in ending the COVID-19 pandemic. She announced new COVID-19 vaccine donations to Vietnam, critical support for vaccine distribution, and the opening of a new regional Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) office to enhance health security cooperation.

Regarding climate change response, the Vice President and Vietnamese leaders agreed on the importance of combating the climate crisis, increasing resilience, and collaborating towards a clean energy future.
On development assistance and market access, Harris emphasised the US administration’s efforts to promote economic growth and opportunity.

The US and Vietnam have overcome a difficult past to become trusted partners, the statement said, adding that Vice President Harris committed to Vietnamese government leaders the US's resolve to continue addressing shared war legacy issues.

Additionally, the US will also support Vietnam’s enhancement of its maritime security and law enforcement capabilities. 

The US Agency for International Development (USAID) announced the Partnership for Higher Education Reform, a five-year project providing up to 14.2 million USD to strengthen teaching, research, innovation, and governance within the three largest national universities in Vietnam./.


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