The contest was organised from May 24 to June 24 by theCentre for Studies and Applied Sciences in Gender, Family, Women, andAdolescents (CSAGA) with the technical and financial support from the UNPopulation Fund (UNFPA) and the Bread for the World.
It attracted the participation of 139 entries. The organisingboard then chose one first prize, one second prize, two third prizes, fiveconsolation ones, and one for the entry with the highest interaction rate.
Speaking at the ceremony, Naomi Kitahara, UNFPA Chief Representativein Vietnam, emphasised that UNFPA expressed her wish that women and girls willnot be left behind during Vietnam’s development process due to gender violence.
On this occasion, UNFPA and CSAGA called for action by thecommunity in general and men in particular in ending violence against women andgirls to create an equal and safe society for them./.