The event also aimed to promote investmentand tourism between the countries and introduce images of Vietnam and itspeople to Indian and international friends.
It was attended by Vietnamese Ambassador toIndia Pham Sanh Chau, PHDCCI officials, a delegation of Vietnam’s Ministry ofIndustry and Trade which included 16 Vietnamese firms, and more than 100businesses of India and other Southeast Asian nations.
Addressing the event, Ambassador Chauunderlined the potential and development prospect of trade, investment andtourism of Vietnam and India three years into the comprehensive strategicpartnership, supported by direct air routes of IndiGo and Vietjet Air.
The diplomat also pointed out outstandingobstacles in the bilateral trade, particularly India’s anti-dumping and anti-subsidyduties on some Vietnamese products, as well as restriction of incense stickimports.
He called on Indian authorities to reviewtrade barriers and restrictions to stimulate bilateral trade relations, contributingto the target of raising two-way trade to 15 billion USD in 2020.
A series of activities to introduceVietnamese products and services were arranged within the framework of theevent. Businesses of Vietnam also met with their Indian and foreign counterpartsto discuss cooperation./.