The conference is attended by about 60 delegates from more than 20 countries and 30 organisations.
Addressingthe event, First Secretary of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth UnionCentral Committee said the Vietnam youth union will continue makingeffective contributions to WFDY’s activities and will always be areliable friend, comrade and partner of the federation’s memberorganisations.
Delegates focused their discussions on thepolitical report, key issues of member organisations and futureactivities of the federation. They are expected to approve theconference’s political resolution and the federation’s budget.
Alsoat the event, the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union reported to theparticipants developments relating to China’s illegal placement of itsdrilling rig deep inside the exclusive economic zone and continentalshelf of Vietnam.
It called on the federation and all progressivedemocratic youth in the world to show support and solidarity with theVietnamese people in the struggle for safeguarding the nationalsovereignty and territorial integrity as well as national constructionand defence.
Annalucia Vermunt from the New Zealand SocialistYouth Organisation said China’s act caused instability in the region andproposed that the conference issue a statement to condemn China’s act.
On this occasion, the delegations of youth unions from Cuba, theDemocratic People’s Republic of Korea and Russia make working visits toVietnam within the framework of their bilateral cooperation agreementswith the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union.-VNA