Writing contest highlights Vietnamese victory

The Vietnam War Veterans’ Association on June 16 launched a writing contest, focusing on the Great Spring Victory that ended the war in Vietnam on April 30, 1975 and later led to national reunification.
The Vietnam War Veterans’ Association on June 16 launched a writing contest, focusing on the Great Spring Victory that ended the war in Vietnam on April 30, 1975 and later led to national reunification.

The contest will welcome all entries by war veterans and those who took part in the 1975 Spring Offensive from now to January 31 next year.

It aims to inspire people with pride in the victory of the resistance war against US forces and confidence in the country’s national construction and defence, as well as honour the great contributions by Vietnamese people to and support from the international community for the triumph.

Outstanding entries will be published in a book to serve the celebration of the 40th anniversary of the liberation of the south next year.-VNA

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