After meeting the newstyle rural standard in 2014, Tuy Loc had worked on getting the advanced title. To date,it has effectively implemented 48 economic development projects, with its percapita income reaching 56 million VND in 2020, 1.5 times higher than that setby the new-style rural standard for the year. Currently, there is no poor householdin the commune.
Chairman of the Tuy Loc People’s Committee Nguyen Minh Tuan saidkey tasks for the time to come include restructuring agriculture in associationwith building new-style rural building, as well as promoting technologicalapplication and green technologies.
After a ceremony to announce the recognition on March 1, workbegan on the construction of a road connecting Tuy Loc’s dyke to its centre. Theproject costs 14.5 billion VND and is scheduled to be fully operational inOctober.
The national target programme on building new-styled rural areaswas initiated by the Government in 2010 with the aim of developing ruralregions. The list of criteria includes the development of infrastructure, theimprovement of production capacity, environmental protection, and the promotionof cultural values./.