13th National Assembly concludes 11th session

The 13th National Assembly has fulfilled its major missions during the tenure, NA Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan said at the closing meeting of the 11th - the last session of the 13th legislature.
13th National Assembly concludes 11th session ảnh 1Legislators pose for photo at the closing ​meeting of the 11th National Assembly session. (Photo: VNA) 

Hanoi (VNA) – The 13th National Assembly has fulfilled its major missions during the tenure, NA Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan said at the closing meeting of the 11th - the last session of the 13th legislature on April 12.

In her closing speech, NA Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan affirmed that the 13th legislature fulfilled its task of promulgating the 2013 Constitution and basically completing the realisation of the Constitution through laws on the organisation of the State apparatus, the protection of justice, human rights and citizens’ rights, perfection of socialist-oriented market economy mechanism, strengthening of defence, security, assurance of social welfare, environmental protection and international integration.

A key task of the last session is to review the NA’s performance throughout the tenure, she said, noting that lawmakers devoted time to examine reports reviewing the five-year performance of the NA, the President, the Government, the Prime Minister, the Chief Justice of the Supreme People’s Court, the Procurator General of the Supreme People’s Procuracy and the State Auditor General.

She confirmed that in the context of changing domestic and international situations, under the leadership of the Party and with the trust, support and supervision of the people, the state apparatus has inherited and promoted achievements of the previous tenures, while continuing with reform of its organisation and operation, thus fulfilling its duties in line with regulations of the Constitution and laws.

The NA and its organs enhanced their activities in all the aspects of constitution and law making, supreme supervision, and making decisions on the country’s important issues.

The President demonstrated his role as the head of the State in both domestic and external affairs as well as in commanding people’s armed forces, thus contributing to consolidating the great national unity, maintaining a peaceful and stable environment for development.

The Government and the Prime Minister exerted a lot of efforts in socio-economic management, giving strong, firm and creative guidance to bring about positive changes amidst difficulties and disadvantages. Judicial agencies made progresses in investigations and judgment, while the State Audit Office has become an important institution that helps strengthen the financial sector and assists with preventing and fighting corruption and wastefulness, the top legislator noted.

The National Assembly treasures the great contributions made by the former leaders to the country’s socio-economic development cause and the legislature’s operations, she added.

The NA Chairwoman went on to say that at this session, the legislature has removed and elected several high-ranking positions with democracy ensured and in accordance with the Party’s orientations and regulations of the Vietnamese law, thus timely meeting the requirements of the Party leadership and the State’s guidance.

For the first time, the NA Chair, the President, the Prime Minister, and the Chief Justice made oaths in front of the national flag, committing absolute loyalty to the Fatherland, the people and the Constitution and vowing to do their utmost to fulfil their assigned tasks.

The NA believes and supports the newly-elected leaders and wants them to continue improving themselves in order to accomplish their tasks, she stressed.

To continue implementing the duties of the 13th tenure and prepare for operations of the 14th tenure, the NA requested the NA Standing Committee, the NA’s Council for Ethnic Affairs, NA committees, the National Election Council, the Government, all branches, administrations at all levels, the Supreme People’s Court, the Supreme People’s Procuracy, the Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee and relevant agencies and organisations to focus on implementing newly-adopted laws and resolutions, and preparing for the election of deputies to the 14th National Assembly and members of People’s Councils at all levels in 2016-2021 tenure, she added.

Also on April 12, with 462 approval votes (93.52 percent of the total deputies), the NA passed the Resolution on the five –year socio-economic development plan in 2016-2020.

The resolution sets the overall targets of ensuring macroeconomic stability, striving for a higher economic growth than the five previous years, accelerating the implementation of strategic breakthroughs, restructuring of the economy in parallel with renewing the growth models, increasing productivity, efficiency, and competitiveness.

Promoting culture, democracy, social progress and equality as well as guaranteeing and increasing social welfare and local living standards are also the goals of the plan.

Other main objectives include proactive adaptation to climate change, effective management of natural resources and environmental protection; strengthening national defence and security, persistently and resolutely safeguarding national independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity; and ensuring political security and social order and safety.

The plan also aims to improve the efficiency of external affairs and international integration, while sustaining peace, stability and creating a favourable environment for national construction and defence, thus elevating the position of Vietnam in the international arena and developing the country into a modern industrialised society.

Major specific goals set by the plan include an average gross domestic product (GDP) growth of 6.5-7 percent per year, with GDP per capita of around 3,200-3,500 USD by 2020.

The proportion of industry and services is projected to make up 85 percent of GDP while the total social investment capital should reach around 32-34 percent of GDP. The budgetary overspending will be brought under 4 percent of GDP by 2020.

The total factor productivity (TFP) is hoped to contribute around 30-35 percent to GDP growth. The average social labour productivity is due to increase by 5 percent per annum while the ratio of urbanisation will reach 38-40 percent 2020.

The ratio of agricultural workers in the labour force will stand at around 40 percent while that of trained workers is 65-70 percent. Unemployed rate in urban areas is set to be reduced to under 4 percent, and the household poverty rate will reduce by 1-1.5 percent each year. As many as 95 percent of population in urban areas and 90 percent in rural areas gain access to hygiene water; 85 percent of toxic waste will be treated; and the forest coverage will reach 42 percent, according to the plan.

The plan also sets the goal of having more than 80 percent of its population covered by health insurance, with 9-10 doctors and 26.5 hospital beds serving every 10,000 people.

With 465 votes or 94.13 percent of total deputies, the NA adopted the Resolution on reviewing the performance of the National Assembly, President, Government, the Prime Minister, Chief Justice of Supreme People’s Court, Prosecutor General of Supreme People’s Procuracy, and Auditor General of State Audit Office, in the 2011-2016 tenure.

The resolution made clear that the NA basically approved the assessment made by the aforementioned organs and officials on their performance as well as on their shortcomings, limitations and drawn lessons.

The resolution stressed that in the time ahead, the NA should further improve the quality and efficiency of its activities in order to promote democracy, creativity and transparency, thus ensuring the NA fulfils its role as the highest representative agency of the people and the supreme State power body of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

In the same vein, the President should uphold his roles as the head of State who represents the nation in internal and external relations, and as a commander of people’s armed force and Chairman of the Council on National Defence and Security, contributing to strengthening the national unity, firmly safeguarding independence, national sovereignty and territorial integrity, and enhancing efficiency of external relations.

The Government and Prime Minister need to focus on leadership, management and guidance, building a pure, strong, united and responsible government of action, finding effective measures to realise annual and five-year socio-economic targets.

The NA requires the Government to continue restructuring and enhancing management of the State budget and public assets, taking appropriate measures to increase budget collection, reduce overspending, curb public and bad debts, while paying due attention to improving the material and spiritual living conditions for the people, ensuring social welfare, and speeding up poverty reduction.

Meanwhile, the People’s Supreme Court and Procuracy were required to implement their responsibility and power in accordance with the Constitution and laws, improve the quality of judicial activities, and ensure human and citizens’ rights.

The State Audit must improve auditing quality and boost coordination with relevant agencies in handling violations.-VNA


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