The Associated Press (AP) on January 25 ran anarticle, saying that almost 1,600 delegates are attending the congress thisweek to approve future policy and help select the nation’s top leaders.
Hanoi’s streets are lined with the Party’s hammerand sickle flags, national flags and posters to promote the congress, which isheld every five years. Some 4,900 people involved with the event must each taketwo tests for the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2.
The article cited Murray Hiebert, a senior associateof the Southeast Asia Program at the Centre for Strategic and International Studiesin Washington, as saying that Vietnam has grown an average of 6 percent overthe past five years and nearly 3 percent in 2020, when most of its neighborsslumped into recession due to the pandemic.
Japan’s Nikkei Asia newspaper said the same day thatthe congress is an important political event of Vietnam as it takes place at atime when the country looks to leverage its economic advantage as one of thefew countries that expanded gross domestic product in 2020, up 2.9 percentthanks to efficient handling of the coronavirus pandemic.
The Republic of Korea (RoK)’s media also covered thenine-day event, saying the Vietnamese Government targets economic growth of6.5-7 percent a year during the 2021-2026 period, and aims to turn Vietnam intoa middle income country.
The congress has also made headlines on Australia’swebsites like canberratimes.com.au, thewest.com.au, and the leader.com.au./.