In the morning, NA deputies are expected to discuss and voteon the list of nominated candidates for the position of State President.
They will then cast secret ballots to elect the StatePresident, and approve a resolution on the election. The State President is expected to takeoaths after that, with the process to be broadcast live.
Lawmakers will spend time to exchange views on the approvalof the state budget balance in 2019, the practice of thrift and wastefulnessprevention in 2020.
The State President will submit lists of candidates for the electionof the Prime Minister, the Vice State President, the Chief Justice of theSupreme People’s Court and the Chief Procurator of the Supreme People'sProcuracy.
The lists will be discussed in groups.
In the afternoon, the outcomes of the morning discussion onthe list of candidates for the position of Prime Minister will be reported tothe NA, followed by a vote on the list, and then the election of the PrimeMinister.
The new PM will take oaths in a live-broadcast ceremony.
The NA will then hear reports on the outcomes of groupdiscussion on lists of candidates for the election of the Vice State President,the Chief Justice of the Supreme People’s Court and the Chief Procurator of theSupreme People's Procuracy, and vote on the lists.
After the lists are approved, NA deputies will elect theVice State President, the Chief Justice of the Supreme People’s Court and the ChiefProcurator of the Supreme People's Procuracy via secret ballots.
Resolutions on the election of those positions will then beadopted, followed by a ceremony for the Chief Justice of the Supreme People’sCourt to take oath.
After that, the Prime Minister will submit to the NA hisproposal on the structure and number of Government members, and the Chief Justiceof the Supreme People’s Court will submit his proposal on the appointment ofjudges in the Supreme People’s Court.
Relevant NA committees will deliver verification reports onthe proposals.
At the end of the afternoon session, NA deputies will discussin groups the structure and number of Government members, as well as theappointment of judges of the Supreme People’s Court./.