2016 outstanding youths honoured

A ceremony was held on March 19 to honour ten outstanding youths selected by the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union’s Central Committee and the Fund for Vietnamese Young Talents in 2016.
2016 outstanding youths honoured ảnh 1Head of the Party Central Committee’s Commission for Mass Mobilisation Truong Thi Mai (fifth, left) and the ten outstanding youths 2016 (Photo: VNA) 
Hanoi (VNA) – A ceremony was held on March 19 to honour ten outstandingyouths selected by the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union’s Central Committeeand the Fund for Vietnamese Young Talents in 2016.

Addressingthe event, Head of the Party Central Committee’s Commission for MassMobilisation Truong Thi Mai said that each person in the group is a success storyabout pioneering, persistence, desire and spirit to serve the people and devoteto the nation.

Shestressed that during the country’s reform, the Party and State have paidspecial attention to the youth through support policies designed for them.

Shecalled for the youth across the country to continue promoting their pioneeringrole and overcome all difficulties to pursue their dreams, thus making morecontributions to the country’s growth.

Shealso asked the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union’s Central Committee and theFund for Vietnamese Young Talents to seek more creative and effective measuresin assisting the youth, while proposing policies to nurture, honour and promoteyoung talents.

TheParty Organisation and government at all levels should also join hands in developingyoung talents, considering the work as a joint responsibility, she added.

Meanwhile,First Secretary of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union Central Committee LeQuoc Phong said that since the Vietnam Outstanding Youth Faces Award waslaunched 21 years ago, 220 young people have been honoured in variouscategories, including study, scientific research, creativity, business andmanagement, security and order, defence, culture and art, sports and socialactivities.

The awardees include theInternational Physics Olympiad 2015 and 2016 gold medalist Dinh Thi Huong Thao,Associate Professor Tran Xuan Bach, the youngest associate professor in Vietnamrecognised in 2016, Director of the Early Start Company Dao Xuan Hoang, and TaDinh Huy from Hanoi who invented a multifunctional agricultural machine.

Giang Seo Chau, Head of remoteMan Than commune, Si Ma Cai district of the northern mountainous province ofLao Cai, and Director General of Viet Hung plastic company Hoang Anh Tuan were honouredin the field of business and management.

The award in the category ofsecurity and safety went to Hoang Anh Tuan, deputy head of the traffic controlteam number 2 of Traffic Police Office of Bac Giang Police Department, while LeKiem Son from the drug crime prevention and control office of the Ha TinhBorder Guard Command was the winner in defence category.

In the area of sport,disabled weight lifter Le Van Cong was honoured for winning Vietnam’s firstgold medal at the Paralympic 2016 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, while Tran LeQuang Tien who won the Mozart international music award when he was 15, wasselected as the outstanding face in culture and art.-VNA

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