Hanoi (VNA) – The Government has assigned theMinistry of Natural Resources and Environment and the Vietnam Administration ofSea and Islands to design a national action plan on reducing marine debris towards2030.
Dr. Ta Dinh Thi, head of the administration, said that alongwith strong political commitments and actions in managing and cutting downplastic waste, including marine debris, the Government has drasticallyimplemented policies and measures to control environmental pollution in face ofthe increasing plastic waste.
The measures focus on reducing the use and strengthening therecycling and reuse of plastic products, promoting the building of a circulareconomy as well as green growth.
The objectives of the plan is to succeed in managing plasticwaste in the ocean, making Vietnam a pioneering country in the region inreducing marine debris, while creating breakthrough and basic changes in publicawareness and behaviors in producing, consuming and discharging plasticproducts as well as collecting and handling plastic waste.
Vietnam targets that in 2025, the country will build andcomplete mechanisms and policies on marine debris management, cutting down 50percent of the debris and collecting 50 percent of lost or broken fishingequipment. Up to 80 percent of tourism sites and coastal service facilities areexpected to say no to single-use plastic products and undegradable plasticbags. Meanwhile, 80 percent of maritime reserves are hoped to be free fromplastic waste.
Annual and regular observation will be conducted at someestuaries, along with scientific research on primary microplastics’ impact onhuman’s health.
An international centre on marine debris will be set up, anda data system on plastic waste formed.
By 2030, Vietnam will manage to have 100 percent of coastaltourism sites and service facilities not using single-use plastic products andplastic bags, and 100 percent of marine reserves not having plastic waste.
Plastic waste released to the ocean is expected to reduce by75 percent.
The draft plan of actions sets seven major tasks, includingstrengthening communications to enhance public awareness of reducing plasticwaste, and developing, applying and transferring plastic waste treatment atsea, as well as promoting international cooperation in managing marine debris.
Alongside, it also sketches out five solutions, includingmobilising domestic and foreign resources for the implementation of the plan,and giving training for officials from management and research organisations inthe field.-VNA