According to the Government Portal, the programmedefines key tasks and measures for ministries, agencies and localitiesto improve land use and management in favour of socio-economicdevelopment, national defense, food security, environmental protection,anti-wastefulness and less land complaints.
It aims to raisepeople’s awareness of policies on land, and targets to improve landmanagement efficiency, take economic measures instead of administrativeones and enable land relations to be ruled by market mechanisms underthe State management.
Land reclamation, compensation, support andresettlement would be implemented in an open, transparent, democraticand fair manner and in line with legal regulations.
Resettlementareas would be built before land reclamation. Displaced people wouldreceive more support on vocational training and job creation.
Theprogramme also looks to speed up the process of shaping large farmingland areas and building new-style rural areas and strictly control landallocation and land lease.
The issuance of certificates of land use right, residential house ownership and ownership of assets would be finalised.-VNA