☕ Afternoon briefing on August 23

The following is a brief review of the day’s events as reported by the Vietnam News Agency.
☕ Afternoon briefing on August 23 ảnh 1

Hanoi, (VNA) - The following is a brief review of the day’s events as reported by the Vietnam News Agency.

-President Vo Van Thuong has hailed the ongoing visit by Chief Representative of Japan's Komeito Party Yamaguchi Natsuo on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Vietnam-Japan diplomatic ties this year, and believed that the trip would contribute to promoting bilateral cooperation.
During a reception in Hanoi on August 23, President Thuong spoke highly of the Komeito Party’s role in the process of Japan’s socio-economic development and in an effort to step up Japan-Vietnam ties.Read full text

-National Assembly (NA) Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue hosted a reception for visiting Komeito party Chief Representative Yamaguchi Natsuo in Hanoi on August 23.
Hue welcomed the visit which is made in the context that Vietnam and Japan are celebrating the 50th anniversary of bilateral relations.Read full text

-Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh has demanded the northern province of Bac Ninh strive to become a city with modern industry and high technology by 2030.
He made the request at a recent working session with the Standing Board of the provincial Party Committee, according to an announcement issued by the Government Office.Read full text

-Secretary of the Party Committee of Ho Chi Minh City Nguyen Van Nen on August 23 hosted a reception for Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs Penny Wong, who is on a working visit to the southern metropolis.
Nen highlighted the significance of Wong’s trip, affirming that it will generate new momentum for the bilateral relationship, especially as the two countries are marking the 50th founding anniversary of diplomatic relations and the five years of the strategic partnership (2018 - 2023).Read full text

-Vietnam and the US held a meeting of the Timber Working Group, set up to carry out the two Governments’ Agreement on Illegal Logging and Timber Trade, in Washington DC on August 22 - 23.
The event was co-chaired by Vietnamese Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Nguyen Quoc Tri and Assistant US Trade Representative for Environment and Natural Resources Kelly Milton.Read full text

-Vietnam received over 677 million USD in aids from foreign non-governmental organisations (NGOs) during the 2020 – 2022 period, heard a conference co-hosted by the Party Central Committee’s Commission for External Relations and the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organisations (VUFO) in Hanoi on August 23.
As of the late 2022, there were 388 NGOs operating in Vietnam. Their aids primarily focused on socio-economic development, resources and environment, and health care, contributing to raising international friends’ awareness of the country, its people and policies while also fighting wrongful allegations about Vietnam’s issues related to democracy, human rights, ethnic and religious affairs.Read full text

-Amid considerable changes in the global investment trend in many important real estate segments, Vietnam has still been one of the destinations drawing great interest from investors thanks to the positive recovery capacity and the flexibility of the country’s economy, according to a recent report from Savills Vietnam.
Savills highlighted some large-scale merger and acquisition (M&A) deals in Vietnam in the second quarter of 2023, including Everland Opportunity IX’s purchasing of three hotels in Vietnam and Indonesia from Strategy Hospitality Holdings Ltd. with 106 million USD.Read full text

-Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Vo Tuan Nhan presented three proposals of Vietnam in his remarks at the 17th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Environment (AMME), held in Vientiane on August 23.
The head of Vietnam's organisation of ASEAN Senior Officials on Environment (ASOEN Vietnam) stressed that recognising the importance of community development and prosperity, Vietnam commits to collaborate with ASEAN and development partners to contribute to global collective efforts and actively participate in the community's common goals.Read full text/.


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