AI: A double-edged sword in cyber war

As technology evolves, so do the threats it faces. Hackers are now leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) to launch more sophisticated and unpredictable cyberattacks, making the battle in cyberspace increasingly complicated and challenging.

Illustrative image (Photo: WallHere)
Illustrative image (Photo: WallHere)

Hanoi (VNA) – As technology evolves, so do the threats it faces. Hackers are now leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) to launch more sophisticated and unpredictable cyberattacks, making the battle in cyberspace increasingly complicated and challenging.

Hackers using AI: Tough battle in cyberspace

From information gathering and vulnerability analysis to attack execution and cover-up, AI is being integrated into every phase of cyberattacks, becoming a critical tool in the hacker's arsenal.

At the recent Vietnam Security Summit 2024, a representative of the Ministry of Information and Communications warned that cybercriminals are using AI to easily create new malware, launch sophisticated phishing attacks with diverse scenarios, and use deep fake technology for online fraud campaigns.

Cybersecurity expert Vu Ngoc Son, Technical Director of the National Cyber Security Technology Corporation (NCS), noted that AI allows cybercriminals to swiftly generate phishing emails that appear authentic and can even mimic the writing style of well-known figures to increase the likelihood of deceiving victims.

Cybersecurity expert Vu Ngoc Son, Technical Director of the National Cyber Security Technology Corporation. (Photo: VietnamPlus)

Hackers are exploiting AI to identify and exploit software vulnerabilities. By generating and refining exploit code based on AI analysis, they can craft sophisticated scripts that breach even the most secure systems. This capability is particularly concerning when it comes to zero-day vulnerabilities in widely used commercial software.

Nguyen Minh Hoang, Country Manager of Trend Micro Vietnam, expressed her concern about hackers “retraining” AI with malicious data to carry out harmful tasks.

“We cannot be certain what new forms of cyberattacks will emerge in the future, but for now and the next decade, AI remains a pressing issue”, she said.

Country Manager of Trend Micro Vietnam Nguyen Minh Hoang (Photo: VietnamPlus)

Combating AI-driven cyber threats with AI

According to cybersecurity experts, AI is being employed in various security solutions and plays a crucial role in detecting, preventing, and responding to cyber threats.

AI systems can automatically respond to network attacks by blocking access from malicious IP addresses or disabling compromised accounts. This capability helps minimise damage and reduce response time during an attack.

As new forms of cyberattacks continue to emerge, Hoang urged domestic firms to remain vigilant and regularly update their security information.

To date, Trend Micro's clients have not been targeted by ransomware, a prevalent threat in Vietnam recently. In addition to using robust security platforms, Trend Micro continuously updates its clients on major attacks and conducts regular drills to enhance their preparedness, she said.

Trend Micro has also integrated Generative AI (Gen AI) into its Vision One platform to detect proactive security threats. The company is also exploring AI deployment to protect AI users from attacks and misuse, securing AI systems used by organisations, safeguarding AI data centres in the new era, and enhancing cybersecurity systems with AI support.

At the Computex show in June, tech giant Nvidia announced a collaboration with Trend Micro to invest in resources for developing AI-supported cybersecurity systems. This partnership aims to address the growing demand from governmental and private organisations to harness the power of AI while ensuring robust protection against cyber threats./.


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