Hanoi (VNA) - The Vietnam FatherlandFront Central Committee has presented 20 billion VND (860,000 USD) to supportflood-hit families in five central provinces.
Thua Thien-Hue, Quang Tri, and Quang Binh provinces willreceive 5 billion VND each while 3 billion VND will be earmarked for Quang Namand 2 billion VND for Ha Tinh.
Meanwhile, the Vietnam Red Cross Society (VRCS)Central Committee said it has raised nearly 2.7 billion VND in cash and kindfor the three localities of Quang Binh, Quang Tri, and Ha Tinh and sent twodelegations to the provinces on October 20.
The organisation previously raised close to 2billion VND for four flood-hit central provinces.
Its chapters in other localities have also arrangedactivities to support central region residents. The VRCS chapters in Ha Nam andNinh Binh provinces have donated 800 million VND and more than 10 tonnes ofrice and necessities.
The HCM City and Dong Nai chapters, meanwhile, offeredover 1.1 billion VND and 2,000 aid packages worth 1 billion VND.
On October 19, the Vietnam General Confederation ofLabour called on workers, businesses, and donors nationwide to provide supportto flood victims.
The Vietnam Fatherland Front Hanoi chapter held afundraising ceremony on October 20 that raised more than 22 billion VND andfoodstuffs from 55 donors.
During the 17th Congress of the HanoiParty Organisation held on October 13, delegates presented a total of 312million VND, while the city’s Fatherland Front chapter allocated 7 billion VNDto the central localities.
Meanwhile, the Vietnam National Coal and MineralIndustries Group will provide 5 billion VND to the five provinces of ThuaThien-Hue, Quang Binh, Quang Tri, Quang Nam, and Ha Tinh.
It also earmarked a further 300 million VND tosupport workers at its affiliate, the Nong Son thermal power plant in Quang Namprovince.
Between October 6 and 12, central cities andprovinces from Nghe An to Quang Ngai were struck by prolonged rains and floods triggeredby storms and a cold snap.
Six provinces from Quang Binh to Quang Nam have beeninundated since October 12, affecting more than 260,000 households, with manyareas two or three meters underwater. Floods have also hit about 154,000 householdsin Ha Tinh, Quang Binh, and Quang Tri provinces.
As of 5 pm on October 19, the natural disaster hadleft 102 people dead and 25 missing, with substantial damage inflicted uponlocal agriculture, irrigation, and transport infrastructure./.