Alibaba unveils promising export opportunities for Vietnamese SMEs recently issued a report on the overview of Vietnam’s digital transformation 2022 that unveils promising export sectors for Vietnamese small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
Alibaba unveils promising export opportunities for Vietnamese SMEs ảnh 1At a cooking oil processing plant of Sao Mai Group (Photo: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) – recently issued a report on the overview of Vietnam’s digital transformation 2022 that unveils promising export sectors for Vietnamese small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

Accordingly, promising export opportunities in three fields that the Vietnamese SMEs should grasp to expand their business operations on Alibaba platform include farm produce, personal care and beauty products, and housing and gardening.

In farm produce, cooking oil should be the top priority with over 300 consumers each day and over 250,000 products in need of supply. India, Lebanon, Indonesia, the US and China are the top consumers. Seeds and nuts, which are popular in India, Russia, Italy and Arabia, come second with around 200 clients and more than 3,700 products are needed per day. Coming next are seedlings and plant tubers attracting over 200 consumers each day. More than 6,000 products need to be supplied as requested by the Philippines, Pakistan, the US, Brazil and India.

In personal care and beauty products, the most consumed are hair extensions and wigs with over 3,500 active users on average each day and over 500,000 products in need of supply. It was followed by skin care products and tools with over 400,000 being sold each day and more than 1,000 active buyers. About 1,500 sellers are waiting to be approved by the platform and roughly 400,000 products will be put up for sale in this category. Make-up products and tools are the third biggest earner.

Tableware and kitchen utensils are the best sellers in housing and gardening category, mostly sought by the US, the UK, the Philippines, Brazil and Russia. Products for pet and gardening tools rank second and third, respectively, in terms of revenue.

The report also highlighted sectors that witnessed strong growth during and after COVID-19 pandemic, including energy, metallurgy, mining, stationery and pharmaceuticals, office equipment, up 31 percent./. 


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