Washington (VNA) - Vietnamese Ambassador to the US Ha Kim Ngoc advised Vietnamesestudents studying in the US to stay calm and consult with their schools oruniversities regarding the US’s new foreign student visa policy.
Earlierthis week, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and the Student andExchange Visitor Programme (SEVP) announced that the US Department of Statewill neither issue visas to students nor permit them to enter the US if theiruniversities switch to online-only courses, as a measure to stem the spread ofCOVID-19.
Ngocrecommended Vietnamese students in the US directly contact their schools oruniversities’ centres for international students to seek support and advice forthe best option.
Studentswere also advised to stay in touch with the Vietnamese Embassy, ConsulatesGeneral, and the association of Vietnamese youth and students in the US, forupdates on the new policy.
Ngoc alsovoiced his concern over the policy, saying that the embassy and otherVietnamese representative offices in the US have contacted local authoritiesabout the matter and relating procedures.
Ngoc saidhis embassy had asked local authorities to adopt measures to protect the legitimaterights and interests of Vietnamese students in the US and has lobbied otherASEAN member states to together take action.
It hadproposed the Vietnamese Government increase flights repatriating Vietnamesecitizens, he added, operated by Vietnam Airlines or foreign carriers.
Therewill be more opportunities for Vietnamese people hoping to come home to do so, asthe government is considering the pilot reopening of a limited number of airroutes connecting Vietnam with destinations in Northeast Asia such as Seoul,Tokyo, Taipei and Guangzhou, he noted.
Those whoare taking in-person classes and have a place to stay and a valid visa shouldcarefully weigh flying home at this time, he suggested./.