He made the assessment at aregular session of the IAEA Board of Governors that kicked off in Viennacapital, Austria, on November 24.
Addressing the discussion onthe agency’s technical cooperation (TC) programme, Ambassador Kien noted the IAEAhas assisted Vietnam to successfully carry out cooperation projects under theTC programme in 2020 and 2021, as well as nuclear technology transferactivities.
He thanked the IAEA for standingside by side with Vietnam in COVID-19 response, stressing the agency’sprovision of equipment, biologicals, and training in nuclear technology applicationto RT-PCR tests, helping the country diagnose and detect the coronavirusSARS-CoV-2 early and contain the pandemic.
The diplomat also welcomedthe IAEA’s proposal of five cooperation projects with Vietnam within the TCframework, focusing on pandemic response, cancer treatment, sustainableagricultural development, and nuclear incident safety, security, and response,in the 2022 - 2023 period.
Vietnam pledges to activelycoordinate with the IAEA during the implementation of these projects, Kienunderlined.
During the three-day meeting,the IAEA Board of Governors is set to discuss the TC prorgamme for 2022 - 2023,the Iran nuclear issue, and the board’s work programme for the time ahead.
The event, held both inperson and via videoconference, was attended by IAEA Director General RafaelGrossi, 35 members of the board, and representatives of IAEA member states.
Vietnam attended the session asa member of the IAEA Board of Governors in 2021 - 2023./.